Sam's Club Walmart Launches Member Health Care Pilot Project


Members of Sam's Walmart Club will also be able to purchase health services starting next month.

Sam's Club partners with several health care companies to offer discounts on daily care that its clients could delay or avoid due to costs.

Services will be available for members in Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina in October.


Customers will be able to purchase one of four sets of health care services with annual fees ranging from $ 50 for individuals to $ 240 for a family of up to six members.

The pilot program could potentially be extended to members of all states, said Lori Flees, senior vice president of Sam's Club Health and Wellness.

This decision comes as health care costs are weighing more heavily on the budgets of many families and many people, even those who are covered.

Sam's Club pointed out that the new initiative was not a health insurance plan, but a discounted health program that could supplement insurance and bring down costs.


Sam's Club says its program is designed to meet the needs of members – individuals, business owners and families who delay or ignore basic care because of the high deductibles.

Associated Press contributed to this article.


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