Samsung announces that Galaxy Fold will execute "hundreds" of optimized applications at launch


The Samsung Galaxy Fold has been so delayed that we have begun to think that it will not even come out this year. Fortunately, everything changed last week. If one of the benefits of this delay – plus, you know, a phone that will not work immediately – is that it also gives Samsung and developers time to optimize the software of the most famous phone Bendy of the world. Example: Samsung claims that "hundreds" of applications have been optimized for the Galaxy Fold.

Samsung and Google have collaborated closely to make Android more flexible for the Galaxy Fold. With Android 10, Google facilitates the resizing of applications and adds a feature to the Android emulator that supports switching between multiple screens on the fly. This allows developers to more easily test the operation of their applications on the new form factor.

Among the application partners mentioned by Samsung include Facebook, Microsoft, Spotify, Twitter, Amazon Prime Video, VSCO, App in the Air, iHeartMedia. It is not known to what extent these applications have been optimized. As far as we know, all they do is apply the application at the correct aspect ratio. Nevertheless, folding phones are the future and it is time for developers to get ready to use them.

The execution of several applications on a smartphone is not new – Samsung has allowed it for years – the form factor of Galaxy Fold obviously lends itself to multitasking in tablet mode. It may be the catalyst that turns the phones of consumer devices into appropriate creative devices, although we had to see how it would behave once in the hands of the user. The Samsung Galaxy fold is available in Korea and is expected to arrive in other regions later this month.

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Posted on 10 September 2019 – 00:15 UTC


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