Samsung denigrates Apple by mocking Steve Jobs’ thought



A bigger idea? Or a little small?


It can be frustrating to be Samsung.

You come up with all these innovations and then Apple copies them like they’ve never heard of Samsung.

It wasn’t that long ago that the situation was so dire that Samsung had to present a stylish (albeit one-sided) mockery of how Apple has always lagged behind modernity.

But what can Samsung say now that the raving-examined iPhone 12 cohort has emerged?

An expression of blunt admiration, perhaps? A suggestion that Samsung has been there before, done this and hasn’t sold as many phones as it had hoped?

Not at all.

Instead, Samsung wants you to know Apple still is, so late that Times don’t have to look over the shoulder to see where Apple is.

Here, you see, is Samsung’s Dutch arm offering a dagger to the very heart, the very soul of Apple. In an ad that’s scheduled to enter the minds of everyone who orders their new iPhones, Samsung features a rich graffiti artist.

I know it’s not a low-end Banksy because it has a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2. Yours for $ 1,999.

How he got one, I have no idea. My last effort to find one resulted in a nice store display, but no actual phone.

Yet here he stumbles upon a Galaxy Z Fold 2 display panel that inexplicably stole Apple’s most revered slogan: Think Different.

If Apple’s lawyers had ever heard of such a thing, they could all take a vacation to French Polynesia just to get together and discuss how much they could sue Samsung.

Our paint sprayer is bold, even though he’s wearing a hoodie to protect his identity.

With an artistically aggressive sweep of his paint bucket, he drops the word different and replace it with bigger. He doesn’t even instantly run away, but stops to admire his work and take a photo of it with his Z Fold 2.

Still, could it be that Samsung is denigrating Apple for thinking small? I think that it is possible.

Could that mean that Samsung’s new slogan will be Think Bigger?

Well, that wouldn’t be removed entirely from one of Samsung’s main smartphone breakthroughs when, long before Apple conceived the idea, it started releasing phones of seemingly gargantuan size.

Gerben van Walt Meijer, Head of Mobile Marketing at Samsung Netherlands, said The advertisement, and I translate by Google here: “With our innovative products and services, we’ve been thinking outside the box for years to make everyday life more fun and easier.”

The Z Fold 2 is certainly intriguing, but it certainly doesn’t make everyday life easier. Its price would prevent the vast majority of iPhone buyers from leaving the house every day.

Why, then, sniff at Apple to sell a truly innovative product? And why make people believe that taller – as opposed to, say, smarter or more beautiful – is somehow the best way to attract a buyer?

What will be the next announcement? A Steve Jobs lookalike giving an exclusive interview from purgatory and telling everyone that Samsung phones are better now? (Oh come on, everyone goes to purgatory first, don’t they?)


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