Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2 leak suggests better battery life is on the way


Samsung’s Galaxy Chromebook 2 appears to improve battery life and price tag over its predecessor, according to leaked Samsung slides (via 9to5Google). The previous Galaxy Chromebook was an attractively designed 2-in-1 that nevertheless failed due to its battery life and hefty $ 999 price tag. If these slides are to be believed, next year could see some Chromebooks.

The most important change is the battery life. The slides shared by the leaker WalkingCat claim that Samsung is aiming for more than 12 hours of battery life on this new model. That’s a lot more than the meager 4 hours and 20 minutes (and the 8 hours promised by Samsung) that we saw in our review of this year’s model.

Samsung’s slides also indicate that the Galaxy Chromebook 2 will be the first Chromebook to feature a QLED, or quantum dot LED, display. The company’s previous Chromebook used a 4K AMOLED, a choice that seemed to hurt the device’s battery life. The move to QLED would match the change Samsung made to its non-Chrome OS laptops in 2020.

The old Galaxy Chromebook was based on a 10th Gen Intel Core i5 that was more than capable of handling the tasks that Samsung imagined customers would use the device for, but this new Galaxy Chromebook 2 is supposed to upgrade to a 10th Core i3. generation. It’s not necessarily a step down for browser-based work in Chrome OS, but it’s interesting given the availability of 11th Gen Intel processors in 2021.

All of these changes may have played a role in the price of $ 699 (likely entry-level), the last notable detail in the WalkingCat leak. The original Galaxy Chromebook was touted as something “premium” to “professionals,” and at least from the renderings we’ve seen, the Galaxy Chromebook 2 maintains that sleek design.

The cheaper price of the Galaxy Chromebook 2 brings it closer to true high-end Chromebooks than proper laptops from Apple and others. Switching to a different processor and relying on a screen it already uses for its other laptops could help boost sales, especially when combined at a lower price.

We’ll have to wait for the promised launch date of February 2021 on the slide to be sure. But CES 2021 is fast approaching, and with it the opportunity to clarify Samsung’s Chromebook roadmap for next year and beyond.


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