Samsung Galaxy Fold: the latest news of the besieged collapsible phone


All news on the collapsible phone from Samsung

The Samsung Galaxy Fold was originally scheduled to be launched on April 26, 2019 and became the first phone with a foldable OLED display. After years of rumors and hype from Samsung at the announcement of the Galaxy S10, it seemed that the foldable future was about to happen. Then, Verge's Dieter Bohn examined the phone and, like other publications, the display of our examination unit suffered a mysterious failure a few days after removing it from its packaging.

There are at least two problems involved: the foldable screen is covered with a protective layer, which looks like a cheap screen protector. Several review units failed after it was retired. However, some screens seem to have failed because their hinged areas allow debris to penetrate the screen. This seems to have happened to our examination unit.

Samsung recognized both possible problems and, four days before its planned launch in the United States, Samsung postponed the Fold indefinitely. He said that he "will take steps to strengthen the display" and says that a new release date will be announced in the coming weeks. According to the messages sent by AT & T to customers who pre-ordered the Galaxy Fold, this release date could be June 13 (although we think it could be a date reserved).

We've added the Galaxy Fold stories below to update you on the story so far, and we'll follow each new development of this StoryStream.


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