Samsung MicroLED TVs Get One Step Closer to Mainstream at CES


Samsung will soon offer 99 and 88-inch versions of its MicroLED TVs alongside the 110-inch bezel-less monster announced by the company in December 2020. The Korean TV maker is keeping quiet on pricing, but a little bird says early adopters with tons of money are the target audience.

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The company showed the first TV to use micro-LEDs – dubbed “The Wall” because of its gargantuan 146-inch screen size – at CES in 2018. Unlike this 8K concept, these smaller TVs are limited to 4K resolution. But they will benefit from the ability to turn off individual pixels to produce pitch black, similar to how OLED technology works.

micro led cropped Samsung

Samsung’s new MicroLED TV.

Samsung is no longer the only game in town when it comes to quantum dot technology, but the company is looking to differentiate its offering by rolling out new backlighting technology that uses smaller LEDs. Dubbed Neo QLED, there’s a good chance the company will adopt mini-LED technology from the recently revised TCL 8 series. Aside from self-emissive technology such as OLED and micro-LED, or even not available in the US with Hisense dual-cell LCD, quantum dot technology with mini-LED backlighting delivers the best blacks and contrast levels.

Other improvements relate to processing for games and social connections: there is a new super wide aspect mode for panning play; Google Duo video call support (with Samsung TV camera support); and Multi-View – that is, multi-input viewing – has gone from two single windows / inputs to 12. This will allow you to watch inputs from a Blu-ray player, media player, from your smartphone, from the TV tuner, to while you are playing games on your console. If you are interested.

remote resizing neo qled eco Samsung

Samsung’s new Eco remote will come with its new Neo QLED mini-LED TVs.

Samsung also announced a new green initiative that includes more eco-friendly packaging and a solar-powered remote control – the Eco – which you can see above. Fewer batteries to recycle or, to be more realistic, to go to landfill – is always a good thing.

Finally, Samsung’s The Frame wall mounted TV is now slimmer and has more bezel options. There was, however, no mention of image enhancements in this direction.

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