Samsung’s Galaxy S21 is apparently not a success


Samsung launched the Galaxy S21 line to the market sooner than it typically would with a Galaxy S phone, likely because it was in desperate need of increased sales for its flagship S line. According to a new report in Coming from Korea, this early launch didn’t help push the numbers forward for the year and the S21 isn’t much of a success, falling well below the previous two Galaxy S phones.

the Business post reports that the Galaxy S21 series sold around 13.5 million units in its first 6 months. If that sounds like a lot of phones, understand that it would be for most companies that aren’t called Samsung or Apple. But since this is a Samsung phone, that number is quite low compared to previous Galaxy S phones.

Compared to the first 6 months of Galaxy S20 sales, this is a drop of 20%. It gets worse when you compare it to the Galaxy S10, where that number marks a 47% drop. Obviously, the Galaxy S21 isn’t helping Samsung turn the tide in the flagship space.

To make matters worse here, consider the fact that Samsung slashed the price of the Galaxy S21 over the Galaxy S20 by $ 200 across the board in order to attract more customers. Of course, as we pointed out when launching the phones, Samsung had to drastically cut the Galaxy S21 and Galaxy S21 + in order to hit those prices. We don’t know if the cuts were factored into people’s decision to skip phones, but I can’t imagine that helped.

In our reviews we got high marks for the super expensive Galaxy S21 Ultra, but we found the Galaxy S21 to be lacking and not as good as the Galaxy S20 from the previous year. Personally, the Galaxy S20 was my favorite phone for most of 2020 and I haven’t wanted to touch the S21 since I reviewed it. It was an absolute lack in my book.

Could Samsung make a difference with the Galaxy S22? It’s a tough game, selling $ 1,000 phones, but if anyone could do it I’d bet Samsung can find a way. However, what is left to help you stand out in this competitive market? Tag your camera with Olympus? Ah.


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