San Mateo PD on Twitter: "The SMPD is investigating an armed issue in the Hillsdale Shopping Center area This information has not been confirmed, but many security officers have flooded the area.If you recognize this topic, please call 911 Immediately The mall remains open, but avoid the area. … "- @SanMateoPD


  1. San Mateo PD on Twitter: "The SMPD is investigating an armed issue in the Hillsdale Shopping Center area This information has not been confirmed, but many security officers have flooded the area.If you recognize this topic, please call 911 immediately The shopping center remains open, but avoid the areas … " @SanMateoPD
  2. San Mateo: Hillsdale Mall gunman stopped at second Mercury News shopping center
  3. Police arrest an alleged gunman near a shopping center in San Mateo Bay area NBC
  4. San Mateo Police: A "possibly armed" person arrested near the mall was arrested KRON4
  5. San Mateo police looking for possibly armed man near Hillsdale Mall KTVU San Francisco
  6. View full coverage on Google News


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