Sanders asks impeachment investigation


Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersBennet pledges to appoint judges to defend Roe v. Wade Sanders, Harris criticizes the Democratic governor of Louisiana about a "heart-breaking" abortion bill Overnight Energy: Biden at the bottom of the Green Group's climate rating | The former chief of the interior, Zinke, will not rule out the return to politics | Sierra Club Will Commit Resources To Help 100 Candidates By 2020 MORE (I-Vt.) Called Thursday for an imputation inquiry against President TrumpDonald John Trump, Trump president on Trump's immigration tariffs: "America First is a mistake," warns Bennet against "the trial run" regarding Trump's indictment. Grassley denounces Trump's tariffs in Mexico: "A misappropriation of the authority of the presidential tariff", becoming the tenth presidential candidate for 2020.

"I think the Judiciary Committee should start the imputation investigations," Sanders said at a campaign rally in Henderson, Nevada. "It is investigations, not impunity, to determine whether Trump has committed impenetrable offenses".

"This president is not above the law, no president above the law. This president must be held responsible. "

Sanders also warned that the continuation of the impeachment could play in the hands of Trump.

"But here's the danger, I think that's why Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiGrassley denounces Trump's tariffs on Mexico: "A misappropriation of the authority of the presidential tariff" On The Money: Trump strikes Mexico with new tariffs in terms of immigration | White House begins approval of new North American Free Trade Agreement | A draft law on aid to the victims blocked by the Third Republican Chamber and many people are struggling: it could well be that Donald Trump wants to be indicted because he knows that in the Senate … there are 47 Democrats and all would not do it today, "he said. he explained, referring to the Speaker of the House.

"The challenge will be to go two ways simultaneously … We can not make ordinary Americans believe that we have forgotten that they work longer with lower wages, that they can not pay for health care, that their children can not go to university, that climate change is a huge problem. "

Sanders had previously said that Congress should continue to investigate Trump, but had not explicitly called for an imputation inquiry.

The words of the Vermont legislator come one day after the special advocate Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerBiden campaign: dismissal is perhaps inevitable now Chris Christie: Mueller "contradicts" the summary of his findings by Barr The Hill & # 39; s 12:30 Report: Mueller breaks the silence, surprised by a surprise statement MORE he's leaning on the findings of his two-year investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 elections for the first time.

Mueller reiterated that his investigation of electoral interference and possible obstruction of justice did not exonerate the president.

"After this investigation, if we had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime, we would have said," he said.

Mueller's report, released last month, revealed insufficient evidence to accuse Trump of conspiring with Moscow to interfere in the 2016 elections, but declined to make a decision of the prosecutor as opportunity for the President to obstruct subsequent investigations into the interference. which may have been obstructive.

Many Democrats have called for the dismissal following the release of the report, but party leadership has maintained that Democrats should continue to investigate the White House and that any attempt to dismiss would be overruled by the GOP-controlled Senate. .


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