"Sandy Hook arrived almost seven years ago, and all the while, customers were subjected to hostile messages on YouTube, which spread this false story and caused harassment, threats, and misconceptions. that they were trying to heal, "said the lawyer. Josh Koskoff, told CNN Business in a phone interview. "At the same time, better late than never."
Koskoff said that although it may be too late to help his clients, this move will help avoid the "extra pain" that future families may face if their loved ones were involved in a shootout and the people posted "scandalously theories" on YouTube.
YouTube's decision was also greeted by Lenny Pozner, father of a victim of Sandy Hook, who created the HONR network, which monitors the spread of fake information online.
Pozner told CNN Business "It is impossible to calculate the damage caused by these videos". But he added, "We thank YouTube for taking the initiative to adopt the policy changes we have been recommending for five years."
YouTube did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Koskoff and Pozner have called on other social media companies to follow YouTube's example.
"All social media platforms that have not taken this step must look in the mirror and decide if they want to continue to facilitate harassment and hatred nowadays, where it has serious consequences," he said. Koskoff to CNN.
Pozner added that he also hoped that "Twitter and other hosting platforms would follow in the implementation and application of more socially responsible policies".
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