Sarah Sanders publicly expresses herself about Trump's support: "99%" of attacks are committed by women


Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told Fox and her friends on Friday that she was still verbally harassed in public for supporting President Trump and that almost all clashes were with women.

In an interview with a special audience of first responders, Sanders said "that from time to time", someone will tell him something "naughty", although she has been kicked out No restaurant since his announced ejection of The Red Hen restaurant in Virginia last year.

"What I find interesting is that 99% of the people who come to say negative things and who attack you are women.I find it very surprising to a group of people who claim to be the advocates of empowering women, "said Sanders. , adding that she was the first mother to hold the position of press officer.


"Yet women are attacking me relentlessly, instead of being proud of the fact that more women are doing this type of work."

Sanders, who is now a contributor to Fox News, said that the stalker usually "was looking for a reaction," so she was trying to "nod, smile, and say" thank you for your time "" and avoid s & rsquo; To engage with the person.

She said she hoped to support the president "another six years," expressing her disgust for some of the ideas emanating from the Democratic candidates of 2020.

"The things that come out of the mouths of the Democrats these days, I can not even deal with them are so stupid," she said.

Sanders is also writing a memoir about his two-year term in the Trump administration, which is expected in the fall of 2020, said his publisher, St. Martin's Press.


The book, which does not have a title yet, will deal with the "most dramatic and difficult moments" of his stay at the White House and will address "the media, family, religion and the exercise of a devouring and very visible work. while raising his young family, "according to a press release.

Sanders told the hosts that she planned to tell stories that she has never publicly disclosed, including about her trips with the President, the Red Hen Incident and the what was made fun of him at the dinner of the correspondents of the White House.


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