Sarah Sanders refuses to say that Democrats do not hate Jews


WSarah Sanders, press secretary of the White House, refused on Monday to deny that Democrats hate Jews.

Questioned during a rare press conference at the White House about the fact that President Trump thinks this is the case, Sanders said, "ask the Democrats" instead.

"Democrats have had several opportunities to condemn specific comments and have refused to do so," Sanders said. "It's a question you should ask the Democrats what their position is, since they do not want to call it that and take concrete action against members who have done things like that, like the Republicans did it when they had the same opportunity. "

Over the weekend, Trump called the supposed anti-Semitism of Democrats in the House, claiming that the Democratic Party had become an "anti-Jewish party" and that Democrats hated Jews.

She added that the House Democrats' recent resolution, which condemned many forms of hatred and fanaticism, was not a strong enough condemnation of anti-Semitism.

The resolution, which was approved by the House on March 7, condemned anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, white supremacy and a long list of other forms of intolerance. Ilhan Omar, who had claimed that legislators had "double loyalty" and "allegiance" to Israel, and that the support of politicians to Israel depended on the money of the Israeli Israeli public. Business Commission.

"Frankly, the remarks that have been made by a number of Democrats and that the democratic leaders have not known how to call are honestly odious.It's sad and it's something that should be called by name." said Sanders. "It should not be put in a diluted resolution."

Sanders compared the Democrats' resolution to the repudiation of Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa by House Republicans, in January. After King asked why the term "white supremacist" was offensive, Republicans voted on a measure condemning King's comments and stripping the legislator of his duties on the committee.

"We would like the Democrats to do the same," said Sanders.

Sanders stressed Trump's loyalty to Israel and said the president had "clearly stated his position" on anti-Semitism.

"Look, the president has been an unwavering ally and committed to Israel and the Jewish people," said Sanders.


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