Sasha Obama at the University of Michigan: President Barack Obama's youngest daughter at UM Ann Arbor, according to Detroit News


Sasha Obama is leaving Washington, his home for more than a decade, to enter the University of Michigan, the Detroit News reported. The youngest daughter of former President Barack Obama would have settled on campus, where classes will begin next week.

The 18-year-old was seen by other students during his summer orientation in first year. Sasha, whose real name is Natasha, was spotted this week again accompanied by men suspected of being secret service agents, reports the Detroit News.

By choosing a Big 10 university, Sasha would follow a different path from the rest of her family, who frequented all the Ivy League institutions. Big sister Malia is at Harvard University after taking a sabbatical year after high school. The former president is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Former first lady Michelle Obama graduated from Princeton University and also obtained a law degree from Harvard.

Speculation on the choice of Sasha University began after an Instagram photo showed it with two friends on the Ann Arbor campus. There were more reports of observations that students began to move in for the fall semester.

Sasha Obama in 2016.

Nicholas Kamm / AFP / Getty Images

"I was walking with a vacuum cleaner and she came out right in front of me," third-year student Zach Lassen told Detroit News. "I said:" Excuse me. "It was a crowded hallway with her and some secret service guys."

"It's pretty cool," he added.

University of Michigan spokesman Rick Fitzgerald refused to confirm the presence of the former first daughter.

"We have no information to share," he told CBS News, adding, "We are excited about starting a new academic year, and we welcome all students. on campus and wish them much success in their studies at UM. "

A spokeswoman for Michelle Obama also declined to comment at the Detroit News on Wednesday.

When Mr. Obama left the White House, he said that the family stay in Washington, D.C. until Sasha graduated from high school at Sidwell Friends School. Now that she is still in college, it is unclear if her parents also intend to do so.


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