1.4 million expected deaths from cancer in the European Union


Sharjah 24 – AFP:

The European Union will see 1.41 million cancer deaths in 2019, according to estimates released by researchers.

According to a detailed report published by the specialized journal Onal Oncology, they expected a 9% decrease in the number of cancer deaths across the federation compared to 2014, at Exception of Poland.

Britain will experience the highest breast cancer mortality rate (13% less than in 2014), followed by France (10%), Germany (9%), Italy (7%) and Spain. ), While Poland is expected to increase by 2%.

According to researchers, this steady downward trend in cancer mortality in the EU confirms since 2014 the proportion of the population

The cancer mortality rate is declining, with the standard mortality rate rising from 139 per 100,000 men in 2014 to 131 per 100,000 in 2019 (a decrease of 6%), from 86 to 83 deaths per 100,000 women. (a decrease of 3, 6%), according to the study.

But due to the increase in age and growth of the European population (513 million in 2018 according to Eurostat statistics), the number of deaths is slightly higher in absolute value. Out of a million and 410,000 cancer deaths expected in 2019, there are 787,000 men and 621,900 women.

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