10 benefits of lettuce juice


Lettuce juice treats cases of anemia

Lettuce juice treats cases of anemia

The meaning is a plant with green leaves of the family of stars, known since the time of the ancient Egyptians: they used their seeds to fertilize the soil until they discovered the benefits of the green leaves, that they feed and add to the food.

Benefits of lettuce juice:
1 – Lettuce contains nutrients and a substance with a special structure, similar to the effect of analgesics, used to treat leaf treatment instead of opium herb.
2 – relieve cases of mental disorders, nervousness and insomnia, making nighttime sleep less difficult and less comfortable for the tense person.
3 – treats cases of anemia and blood problems in general because it contains the chlorophyll and iron necessary for the production of hemoglobin.
4 – works to rid the body of toxins and accumulated fat in the presence of antioxidants.
5. Reduces the signs of aging and premature aging. Protects the body against the risk of cancer.
6 – helps strengthen bones to prevent osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women because it contains vitamin K, the main catalyst for the production of osteocalcin (bone protein) to help other elements such as phosphorus and calcium.
7. Relieves irritations of gastric ulcer.
8. Improves and activates the movements of the intestines and colon and relieves constipation. Treats whole body infections, asthma and coughs.
9. Moisturizes and revitalizes the body. It is a diuretic.
10. Opinions and studies are mixed on the sexual benefits of lettuce: its content in analgesics soothes sexual desire but at the same time contains other substances considered a cure for sexual dysfunction.

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