10 dangerous causes of high cholesterol


If you have a family history of high cholesterol, you should check regularly

If you have a family history of high cholesterol, you should check regularly

All cholesterol is not bad, it is necessary to have a certain level of cholesterol for the body to work properly. When cholesterol levels are high, arteries, strokes, heart problems and other blood vessels are clogged.

At present, more and more adults are suffering from hypercholesterolemia, for various reasons. Here is a list of the most common causes of high cholesterol.

Unhealthy diet

The consumption of saturated fats can lead to an increase in cholesterol. Saturated fats are found in foods high in cholesterol and fat. These are foods such as red fat meats, butter, cheese, cakes, ghee, etc.

Avoid or reduce the consumption of foods high in saturated fats.

Genetic factors

If you have a family history of high cholesterol, you should check regularly. The genetic form of hypercholesterolemia can result in early blockage of arteries or stroke.

weight gain

Obesity or even simply being overweight is another reason for hypercholesterolemia. In addition, damaging your social life, triglycerides increases, causing clogged arteries.

So, maintain your weight to ward off the risk of high cholesterol.


People who spend their lives sitting or sleeping all day are at high risk of high cholesterol. Active living can reduce triglycerides and help you maintain your weight.


The cigarette plays an important role in high cholesterol levels. Because it reduces the level of good cholesterol and reduces the lifespan of humans.

Therefore, quitting smoking keeps your cholesterol levels healthy.

Age and sex

The cholesterol level in the blood naturally begins to increase with age. As a general rule, cholesterol levels increase until the age of 60 to 65 years, in both sexes.

Generally, women have low blood cholesterol levels before menopause.

But after menopause, women can have higher cholesterol levels than men. So


Some medicines may increase the level of triglycerides. Consult your doctor before taking the pill.


Regular consumption of alcohol can damage the muscles of the liver and heart, resulting in high blood pressure and a high rate of fat in the body.

The stress

When people are stressed and stressed, they often resort to smoking, alcohol or fatty foods. Thus, prolonged stress can increase cholesterol levels in the blood.


Some diseases, such as diabetes and thyroid, increase cholesterol levels in the body.

For this reason, a regular medical examination must be performed to keep the cholesterol level under control.

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