10 health reasons will keep you away from soft drinks


Screen News: When you consume more sugar, it will obviously have a detrimental effect on your health. Still, some sources of sugar are worse than others, soft drinks are always worse.

This mainly applies to sweet soda water, fruit juices and high sugar sources of fructose. Here are some of the health reasons that will prevent you from drinking soft drinks.

1 – sweet drinks do not make you feel full and are related to weight gain

Sugar (table sugar) is the most common form of sugar. It is composed of two units of monosugar (50% glucose + 50% fructose). Fructose does not reduce the hormone ghrelin, which causes hunger, and does not give you the feeling of being satiated, unlike glucose.

Thus, when you consume sugars, you add only calories, because sugary drinks do not cause total satiety.

One study found that people who consumed sugary soda and their current diet consumed 17% more calories than before. Thus, body weight and mass index increased significantly only during the consumption period of liquid carbohydrates.

Your body's response to liquid carbohydrates (soluble sugars in soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks) is similar to hard carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes), but faster and more intense.

In another scientific study, each daily ration of sugary drinks was associated with an increased risk of obesity in children by 60%.

2 – Turn excess sugar into fat in the liver

As mentioned above, the web is composed equally of glucose and fructose. Glucose can be digested – in terms of conversion to energy – in all cells of the body, while fructose can only be digested by liver cells.

Soft and sugary drinks are the easiest and most common way to consume excessive amounts of fructose. Too much consumed, the liver becomes overloaded and converts fructose into fat. And thus accumulate fat in the liver, which can cause liver disease, or liver infections, leading to cirrhosis of the liver.

3. Sugar greatly increases the accumulation of fat in the abdomen

Fructose is associated with an increase in waist fat, abdominal fat. Of course, excess abdominal fat is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

In a 10-week study, a group of healthy people consumed fructose or sugar-sweetened drinks. Those who took glucose showed an increase in fat, they were not associated with metabolic diseases, while those who consumed fructose saw a significant increase in abdominal fat.

4. Sugar in soft drinks causes insulin resistance

Insulin acts to maintain the level of glucose in the blood. When you eat, carbohydrates turn into glucose and enter the bloodstream. The pancreas that begins to secrete insulin enters the body tissues to produce energy and turns the excess of liver into glacokine.

However, when you consume large amounts of sugar in non-alcoholic beverages (glucose and fructose), the cells may become less sensitive to insulin, sometimes even withstand the effect of insulin.

Insulin resistance is the main driver of the metabolic syndrome, leading to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Studies in animals have shown that an excess of fructose resulted in insulin resistance, a chronic high insulin level and that its consumption could adversely affect the action of Insulin in the liver and surrounding tissues.

A lot of evidence has been added to sugar consumption, especially sweet drinks and type 2 diabetes.

5. Soft drinks do not contain nutrients

Soft drinks do not contain essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals or fiber, but only sugars.

Do not add anything to your diet except for excessive amounts of sugar and unnecessary calories.

6. Leptin resistance

The fat cells of the human body produce leptin, an anti-hunger hormone. When you are hungry, the proportion of leptin in the body decreases while increasing when you feel full.

Lutein increases insulin levels, a high blood sugar. The hormone leptin also sends the brain signal to the feeling of fullness and inhibition of appetite, which stimulates the metabolism and burns fat.

In a scientific study, after feeding mice with a large amount of fructose, the researchers observed increased resistance to leptin, while they lost their resistance to leptin.

Resistance to the effects of leptin would be one of the main factors in the increase of fats in humans.

7 – can cause addiction

Soft drinks can be addictive. For example, in rats, the consumption of sugar in the blood can cause the secretion of dopamine in the brain, which gives a feeling of pleasure.

Studies in rats have shown that the consumption of sugars stimulates behavioral and chemical markers.

Some research has also shown that people who consume alcohol or drugs have a preference for foods containing high concentrations of sucrose. Studies in animals have shown that consuming high sugar foods or beverages in some brains causes dopamine release in a similar way to the use of certain drugs.

8. Increase the risk of cancer

Cancer tends to keep pace with chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. For this reason, it is not surprising to see that sweet sodas are often associated with an increased risk of cancer.

A 2012 study of more than 60,000 adults found that those who drank at least two drinks a week were 87% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those who did not drink.

Another study found that postmenopausal women who drink a lot of sugar soda are more likely to get endometrial cancer or cancer of the lining of the uterus.

9 – poses a danger to dental health

Soft drinks contain acids such as phosphoric acid and carbonic acid. These acids create a very acidic environment in the mouth that damages the teeth.

Although the acids contained in soft drinks can cause the same damage, they are associated with sugar that makes soft drinks more harmful.

Sugar provides energy that facilitates the gastrointestinal action of bad bacteria in the mouth, as well as acids that have a negative impact on dental health over time.

10. increase the chances of gout

Gout is a common form of arthritis and causes swelling and redness of the joints. The gout occurs as a result of the accumulation of urate crystals caused by the rise of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is produced by breaking down the purine molecules in the body.

Uric acid increases the consumption of high-fructose drinks and drinks.

Long-term studies associate sugary sweetened beverages with an increased risk of gout in women by 75% and an increased risk of infection in men by approximately 50%.

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