11 elements threatening men and women after the age of 40


After reaching the age of forty, many people are very concerned about the feeling of entering the aging phase in men and by women. Physiological changes can occur in women at age 40, including what to adapt to and can not ignore the seriousness of health. To avoid the following diseases:

D & # 39; First, Breast cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in women; therefore, you should undergo a periodic medical examination early, as this helps in the early detection of the disease and allows doctors to recommend a healthy diet and quit and exercise.

Second heart disease

Women are more likely to have heart disease after 40 years and to prevent them, you should follow a diet containing fiber and vegetables and avoid fatty foods and fast meals.

Thirdly, Dry eyes

It is normal for the eyes to dry out with age. The tears responsible for the lubrication of the eye on each side of the eyelid decrease with age and when the tear glands can not produce enough tears, the sensation of dry eyes or itching begins.

IV Joint pain

Joint pain can occur when you wake up in the morning with age, but stretching exercises, 30 minutes of walking or regular physical activity protect the joints and relieve pain.

Fifth osteoporosis

Common disease to avoid, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D through various dietary supplements.

Sasa Damage to teeth

A slight contraction of the gums causes the appearance of the upper teeth, leading to excessive sensitivity to hot and cold drinks. These gums reveal the microscopic channels that connect the pulp and the teeth. A sensitive toothpaste is recommended to alleviate these symptoms.

Seventh Fitness and heavyweight

After reaching the age of 40, it will be difficult to lose weight, unlike what you were in the 1920s. Do not dream of losing 6 pounds after eating bread the day before. On the contrary, when you are in your forties, your body does not want to lose weight anymore. This can take 400 calories for weeks and only increase the price.

It is possible to eat moccasin tortilla bread the next day and more than 17 lbs. This indicates that the body in its forties becomes indifferent to following a healthy diet or wearing jeans without danger, preferably with a wide shirt.

Eighth Self-confidence

When you reach mid-life, you become sure of yourself and make absolutely sure what you are good at doing, what you love and how you live, without worrying about anything. and the person must not find excuses, For approval in order to live his life.

Ninth Change of ideas after forty years

There is a strange change in the brain of the forty, he forgets the trends, may not remember the name of his third son and, when he wants to talk on his mobile, forget where he is at home and you will have trouble studying the lessons of your children, because your mind has been sufficiently consumed in recent years.

X. More flexible

At age forty, critics have created problems, but after this stage, things have gradually calmed down and many things look like you, such as marriage, career, home, poetry, job dropping out etc. Not paying attention to all this, it will not frustrate you.

XI Realize what is important

After 40 years, he becomes slower to inform everyone that he is wrong and that he is eager to heal with his family, to sit among them and to feel thankful for the beautiful life you have, and take a whiff of satisfaction and happiness. In the past, after experiencing feelings of arrogance and fear, the 1940s are the best version to date.

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Source: News Today

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