5 economic revenues from point of sale localization for 12 activities


The Details of this Story 5 Economic Returns of Point of Sale Localization for 12 Activities

Experts confirmed that the Ministry of Labor's decision to reduce the proportion of targeted location points in 12 activities from 100 % to 70% And that there are 5 economic spinoffs from emiratization, ie, reviving the economy, providing jobs, reducing unemployment, l & # 39; elimination of concealment and reduction of the migration of money.

The economist Abdul The draft prepared by the Ministry of Labor clearly shows that there is no negligence in the implementation of the settlement, offering initial opportunities before the 39th. imposition of penalties, reducing the proportion from 100% to 70%.

Economist Mohammed al-Ghamdi: The ministry not only reduced the proportion of emiratization in 12 professions, but there were conditions and instructions from them. The number of cleaning, loading and unloading personnel must not exceed one factor. Maximum of 5 employees and 20% for more than 5 employees.

Only one who works as sales manager can be employed, provided that the number of Saudi employees is not less than 10 employees for a period of 6 months

Al-Ghamdi pointed out that the Ministry Labor strives to regulate the market and provide jobs to Saudi young people through specific mechanisms and programs.

The Ministry of Labor has published a draft manual for the Targeted Location Locator in these activities from 100% to 70%.

The project included employment opportunities Technician, technician, technician, technician, technician, technician, tailor, chef and pastry chef, provided that they comply with the general conditions.

The project included allow expatriates Employees of the head office of the establishment must be present in the store outside business hours before opening or after closing in the evening for the needs of the company.

The Department of Labor and Social Development publishes early in the year 2018 a resolution should provide a reduce the unemployment rate in the Kingdom of about 13%.

The 12 target sectors include two outlets in watch stores. Eyeglasses, outlets in medical equipment stores, electrical and electronic appliance sales outlets, outlets in auto parts stores, outlets in building material stores and building materials stores, outlets in car and motorcycle shops, and ports Furniture stores, children's clothing, men's accessories, outlets in household utensils and outlets in confectionery stores.

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