5 things make Neymar perfect for Real Madrid


The world's newspapers have many names that Real Madrid might seek to compensate for the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo, but Neymar is one of the main goals of Meringhi, in which we review the 5 things that could make the Selsao perfect for the Royal Club.

Neymar has previous experience in La Liga as one of the most important players, all the more so since he was a player of the Barcelona team, the traditional rivals of the Real Madrid and therefore adaptation to the Meringue will be quick and easy comparison to the reverse 19659003 Neymar is one of the most popular players in the world, but the Real Madrid administration is currently very unhappy with the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Player's Wish
Neymar's survival with PSG will have no meaning in light of the weak competition of the league. The French, as well as the desire of the player to achieve a great performance at the moment with the exclusion of the Brazilian team in the World Cup, so he will have an ambition

Marcelo and Casimiru

Neymar and Marcelo with the Brazil team

The Real Madrid team includes two Brazilian players, Marcelo and Casimiru, especially the first who is close to Neymar, with [19659005] Lobetigi Style

Lopegeti's style was not clearly evident with Real Madrid, but with the Spanish team he was giving players with individual skills bigger tasks, where they would play a big role So Neymar will be influential when he joins the Royal Club

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