6 scary patents registered on Facebook!


Facebook is spying on you and knows all about you, and it may not be a secret anymore. However, the way he does this (or at least the plans) is really scary.

New York Times reporter Suhail Shenway was interested in how the world's largest social network, Facebook, was monitoring the mood and lives of its users. Analyzed hundreds of patent applications filed by the company in recent years, and selected 6 of them proving: that there is no longer any personal life and personal secrets on the Internet.

Predicting the Future

There is a Facebook patent entitled "Predicting Life Changes of Members of a Social Network System". This patent can be described as allowing the use of your messages, comments and personal messages, as well as transactions and the actual location of your credit card to anticipate the events of your future life. For example, the death of a loved one, the birth of a child or, for example, the final exam in your studies, that will transform your destiny.

2. With whom and how you spend your time

We talked about previous topics about how Facebook follows your friends and acquaintances even those who do not have a social relationship within the social network. But the patent called "Statistics for Continuous Location Tracking" greatly expands the sequential capabilities of Facebook. This patent suggests comparing the physical location of the phone with the smartphone site of your friends and acquaintances. If your mobile phone is next to you, you spend time together, you can also find where you work, for example, or where you usually have dinner.

3. Where do you live and when do you change your habits?

At night, your phone provides information to Facebook about where you sleep. If you sleep in the same place every night, you can easily calculate the location of your Facebook home will follow all your smartphones, if you suddenly change your habits and go to sleep somewhere (for someone who d & rsquo; other). A patent application called "routine gap notification" implies that all your similar habits will also be monitored.

4. Who is with you in a romantic relationship?

The patent that Facebook owns is called "inferior relationship status of users of a social network system". To compute "everything is complex", the social network analyzes a large amount of information: for example, how often do you go to the pages of some users you meet, where you spend your free time, how many are there? friends of the opposite sex, etc. As such, Facebook can categorize you categorically as "married", "couple" or "single".

6. What you see and hear

describes the mechanism "Correlation of media consumption data with user profiles" How does Facebook exploit your phone's microphone, for example, what program do you see and separate and which ads do you prefer? By browsing the supermarket or the city? This information allows the social network to know what content is acceptable to you. Of course, this is more effective for manipulating you in the future.

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