7. Amazing benefits of adding honey to milk


The site Organic facts"Honey can do wonders if it's consumed individually, but when you add milk, it has tremendous health benefits.The benefits of honey and milk for health include the benefits to health care. skin and increased stamina. Increase body immunity, protect the digestive system and enjoy a smooth skin.

Honey is used to treat many diseases because of its antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as its sedative and anti-inflammatory effects on the respiratory system. It also contains vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, "," D, as well as calcium, protein and lactic acid, however, these qualities can be combined when milk is added to honey resulting in unique and desirable benefits..

Benefits of honey and milk on health

First: skin care

Honey and milk having antimicrobial and cleansing properties, a honey mask is used to relieve acne, and these properties increase when both are combined. Many skin cleansers are prepared with the help of milk and honey because this mixture gives the skin a radiant glow. Enjoy milk and honey by mixing them in equal amounts.

Secondly, honey milk protects the immune system.

Honey is a good source of probiotics, where probiotics are a nutrient that stimulates the growth and development of beneficial bacteria that thrive in the intestines and the digestive system..

The carbohydrates contained in honey promote a healthy function and are suitable for these beneficial bacteria essential for a healthy digestive function. When the bacterial balance in the digestive system is good, it eliminates a number of irritating situations, including constipation, convulsions and bloating, and prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Third: improves endurance

A cup of milk and honey each morning improves the person's resistance, while the milk contains protein, the honey contains the carbohydrates necessary to effectively stimulate the combustion process and gives the milk and honey the strength of each, including including children and the elderly..

Fourth: bone health

As honey is explored, it is becoming increasingly clear that honey plays a key role in the body's absorption of calcium, which is a rich source of milk,

Therefore, eating honey and milk together will not only provide your body with the necessary nutrients (calcium) to improve your physical health, but will also increase its absorption into the body. Appropriate calcium levels can prevent conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis..

Fifth: prevents insomnia

Honey and milk are traditional treatments for insomnia.Honey is one of the few sugary foods that results in a controlled increase in the amount of insulin secreted, which also promotes secretion of tryptophan in the brain..

Serotonin is usually converted to melatonin, which improves your ability to sleep. The negative effect of tryptophan deficiency on sleep disorders is illustrated by a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, It Can Use Honey and Milk to Reduce Insomnia.

VI: anti-aging

A mixture of milk and honey affects the whole body making it graceful and young. In many ancient civilizations, including Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Indians, people drank milk and honey to stay young, because milk and honey could provide a long life. , Whose combination was known as "the elixir of life""He said.

The antioxidant properties associated with milk and honey are important because antioxidants attack the cells responsible for the deterioration of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles in the face and body..

Seventh: antibacterial

Research has shown that milk and honey have a significant effect on Staphylococcus aureus, but that honey, added to warm milk, relieves abdominal bloating, constipation, intestinal disorders and is beneficial for respiratory therapy..

Does honey become toxic in hot milk?

Honey does not become toxic when it is added to hot milk, but it should not be heated to a temperature above 140 degrees. According to the researchers, honey, when heated, produces a so-called hydroxymethylfurfraldehyde."HMF"It is therefore recommended to add the desired amount of honey in warm milk instead of hot milk. To take full advantage of this mix, enjoy a cup of honey and milk..

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