7 natural blends to lower the menstrual cycle two days before the scheduled date


Ginger tea helps reduce your menstrual cycle in a matter of days

Ginger tea helps reduce your menstrual cycle in a matter of days

God created the woman and created her to fulfill many functions and be essential to maintain the survival of the human race and its reproduction: it carries, gives birth, raises children and takes care of his companion, and allows women in this role to suffer from several disorders that can affect his body and his psychology. Among the most important problems affecting the menstrual cycle of the woman, which is a major requirement for the descent of the egg into the uterus, in preparation for vaccination with semen to start a new life different.

We offer natural solutions to reduce your late menstrual cycle, through diet and treatments that doctors can prescribe for this condition. But again stress the need to consult your doctor before doing any of these methods and treatments to see if it suits you or not.

1. ginger tea: This tea helps to reduce your menstrual cycle in a few days. You can take the equivalent of two cups if your state of health allows it, noting that excessive consumption of this tea can cause insomnia and hot flashes in some people.

2. cinnamon: In addition to ginger, cinnamon also helps reduce the menstrual cycle and you can eat it with milk or without milk twice a day.

3. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is known to help produce estrogen, which in turn builds the lining of the uterus, which naturally leads to the speed of menstruation.

4. parsley tea: Also effective for reducing the menstrual cycle, by boiling and eating about 3 times a day.

5. celery: The branches and leaves of celery help stimulate uterine catheterization and improve blood flow in the pelvis and uterus, thus causing menstruation.

6. Papaya, pumpkin and carrots: These carotene-rich vegetables also help reduce the menstrual cycle.

7. Cane juice: You can mix it with a teaspoon of ginger and turmeric and drink it on an empty stomach, to reduce your menstrual cycle.

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