88 buses enter the village and evacuate the population


The Syrian regime reintroduces Daraa, killing 12 civilians in the city of Nawa, while dozens of towns and villages of Fawa and Kafri went into the evacuation of the population, in accordance with an agreement with the Assad regime that later released hundreds of prisoners of the opposition. Yesterday, evacuate thousands of people from cities loyal to the regime and loyal to the regime and surrounded by opposition fighters, under an agreement that should free the regime by which the release of hundreds of prisoners. A pro-Assad commander said that the cities of Al-Fo and Kafriya in Idlib would be cleared of the entire population and fighters.

The pro-Assad commander stated that the agreement required the deportees to be hostages held by the opposition factions. The head and source of the opposition, aware of the details of the secret negotiations, said that Turkey was also involved in the process, which was based on an agreement reached last year and which is not necessary. was not completely applied. Idlib to date, with Syrian Arab Red Crescent ambulances to transport the patients of the population

The Sham-Nasra Front editorial board concludes an agreement with Iran, and with the pressure of the 'Qatari Turkish ", the complete output of the towns of Kufria and Fu & # 39; a. 1,500 detainees of the opposition factions were released to the Syrian regime 36,195 detainees in Hezbollah and four civilian prisoners in the cities of Kafria and Al-Fo & # 39; a.


At least 12 civilians were killed in night bombing,, The last areas still under the control of opposition factions in the southern province, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Rami Abdul Rahman, the director of the observatory, said that an air and missile attack targeted the city of Nawa in the western village of Daraa

The western countryside towns join the town. agreement that stipulates the entry of regime institutions and the surrender of fighters. Hundreds of fighters and civilians have also been released from Daraa and negotiations are underway for Nuwe to join the agreement, according to the observatory. Abdul Rahman explained that the negotiations continue to introduce intentions in reconciliation.

He adds that there are intensive raids on the hills near the nuclei controlled by the extremists, referring to Russian raids and the bombardment of barrels of explosive helicopters. According to the observatory, a hospital has stopped operating as a result of the bombings, indicating heavy casualties with dozens injured.


A dozen rockets were also fired in this densely populated city. Malik al-Ghawi said in a message sent to Reuters: "The situation as the day of the resurrection, the martyrs in the streets and all unable to withdraw."

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