9 amazing medical benefits of sesame .. Protects against cancer, diabetes and obesity


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Sesame contains a high percentage of vitamins and nutrients that promote the health of the body and protect against diseases because it contains proteins, sugars, fiber, vitamins A and Bb and some other vitamins that preserve the health of the body .

Benefits of eating sesame

1 – Sesame contains certain characteristics that promote the health of the immune system and the prevention of diseases and epidemics.

2 – contains a high proportion of vitamins that reduce the risk of osteoporosis and inflammation of the joints and muscles.

3 – also contains fibers that maintain the health of the digestive system and protect the body against the incidence of cancer.

4. Maintains cardiovascular health and protects against heart attacks.

5 – The consumption of sesame reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity, but in moderate amounts because it contains many vitamins and nutrients.

6 – Maintains blood pressure level and helps reduce, so recommended for high pressure patients to eat sesame.

7 – Because it contains a high proportion of vitamins, it reduces the risk of anemia.

8. Sesame contains a large amount of antioxidants and other vitamins that preserve the health of the skin and reduce the risk of wrinkles and signs of stretching and dark circles.

9. Supports thyroid health because it is a good source of iron, copper, zinc and other vitamins.

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