Has Skype become a spy here?


According to some technical sites that the company "Microsoft" allows some of its employees and customers, access to voice data belonging to the users of the application "Skype".

According to the sites, some programmers who oversee the development of the "Skype" application and some "Microsoft" subcontractors, who work with these programmers, have access to the audio recordings of the users of the "interpreting" service. "provided by the famous application.

Many consumer rights organizations have expressed concern about this news, despite Microsoft's claim that Microsoft collects data after obtaining user authorization, and that experts examine samples of votes without to know who owned the origin and did not have access to any data. Refers to the type of device of the user with the sound.

In a recent statement, Microsoft states that user vote samples obtained from the "interpretation" service in the "Skype" application are used to improve the functionality of the software and software used in the "Skype" application. artificial intelligence supporting user voice via Cortana Assistant only, and not used for other purposes. .


Microsoft introduced the Skype Instant Translation feature in 2015, allowing users to instantly translate their speech into other languages ​​during video calls and offering users options to delete voice data.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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