Artist Ahmed Saadani cried to his fans and followers after writing a poignant letter to his late wife Amal Suleiman, who died yesterday after suffering a heart attack, and lamented the news of his departure as well as the artistic public.
Ahmed al-Saadani about her late husband: "I was going to do it and she died an hour after our conversation"
Ahmed al-Saadani today received the condolences of her husband, the mother of her son, Amal Suleiman, and deposited her with a message on her Facebook account, revealed for the first time the scenes of her relationship with her and published a picture of him and his children. I need to work like that now. Try Mtulch on 9/9/2003 love from the first look in the street between the Institute of Cinema where she was studying and the Institute of Performing Arts where I was fun and j & # 39; Studied Midrash. I was an Arab passenger and I was walking with her man. Good no Mahsalsh strong Khbatti is in my heart loves to cut the arteries year engagement year wrote a month book passport behind him first and problem D here Elly books this conversation started Ashanha '.
He continued Ahmed Saadani: "You missed me and I miss his nostalgia and love and Hbelha, the Mtiji comes back, bit Yala, O the cowardly delayed Tooh is born the same sense of the same Altrkrih but Elmoradi Samoowood meshed when we are launching another incredible selfish side in my personality Gulbni O your uncle and lives your life The problem is that I am old Marth that I wanted to kiss and Hnitha and Hblha, but I was in order to come back can be more big or more reasonable or I can take responsibility, so difficult identified myself a certain age Aarjalha in which he said that I like my matured, but I am attached.
Ahmed al-Saadani cried crying to her ex-husband saying, "She died in a moment, she spoke to me an hour ago and I did not see the pressure, like most Egyptians." Praise God, she's dead and decided to abandon me forever.I thought it would be impossible for me.It is possible to die small now and more than one in my life, she loved life and then the energy positive .. is dead and boys Saptli and remorse .. Our Lord has pity and pity on us and our children, my beloved Omri.
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