Lebanese singer Maya Diab has announced a concert in a hotel in Syria on August 14 during concerts in the summer of 2019. Maya Diab plans to present her famous songs.
Maya Diab gave a concert last Thursday night in a hotel in the city of Erbil during the summer of 2019. Maya performed her famous songs in addition to dancing on stage as usual to interact with the Iraqi public.
It should be noted that the last work is the song "We lost some", presented on the video clip of the Lebanese artist Ziad Burji and which is a great success. She is preparing to launch a new song called "Yaba Yaba" in the coming days on YouTube.
This article "Maya Diab gives a concert in Syria August 14", adapted from the site (Arab Yemen), and does not reflect in any case the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility for the news or the its accuracy relies on the original source of news is the Arab Yemen.
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