Ahmed Hassan and Zeinab stir up controversy in a new video


Written by: Dia Al Sakka

Ahmed Hassan, the utopian, again aroused controversy after posting a new video with his wife Zainab and his brother Mohammed in a pool in Dubai.

The video bore the name "The first time we go down into the pool with romantic .. moments," and the trio appears in a swimsuit, in a pool, which is considered by the pioneers as a provocation by social media , especially after the crisis of their famous daughter.

The audience also criticized Zaynab Maywah's appearance before viewers, while it was previously veiled.

In a related context, the couple was strongly criticized, after publishing a photo of their mutual acceptance, in the pool.

History of "أحمد حسن وزينب"

"Ahmed Hassan and Zeinab" … A couple sparked a lot of controversy in recent days in Egypt, after posting videos of their little girl who did not live a few days of her life, and exploited her and was putting his life in danger, in order to take advantage of his behind and get the highest percentage of views, on his YouTube channel.

Outraged by the social media pages, after the broadcast of videos of "Ahmed and Zainab", a celebrity couple from YouTube, where the duo exposed clips of their personal lives, as well as their appearance with their little baby, crying, to get the most views.

A statement to the Attorney General .. And the urgent action of the National Childhood

For her part, Ms. Azza Ashmawi, Secretary General of the National Council of Childhood and Maternity, said that the Council had informed the Attorney General of the incident of the abuse of a girl and a child. had endangered him by posting videos on social networking sites.

She explained, "Ashmawi", in a statement Friday, that the council has received several reports and complaints about the abuse of a newborn girl, calling the line of assistance to children 16,000 or on the social networking pages of the Council.

She added "Ashmawi" that a couple exploited their newborn daughter, where they filmed videos of her crying, and other videos were beaten, in order to get the rates of highest viewing on social networking sites, which angered the pioneers of social networking sites and pushed them to connect to the rescue network The child to take action to save the girl.

In this context, the Secretary-General of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood noted that the Council had analyzed the content and content of the videos, believing that they already contained abuses against girls, in violation of article 96 of the Egyptian law on the child n ° 12 of 1996 and modified by the law n ° 126 of 2008, which contains articles. These situations are defined as "endangering the safety, morals, health or life of the child, or the circumstances in which he was raised in the family, at school, in a care facility or in another institution would put him in danger or be neglected. "Abuse, violence, exploitation, displacement."

The content of the videos contravened Article 291 of the Penal Code, which included a penalty of commercial exploitation for profit.

Decision of the Attorney General

For his part, Attorney General Nabil Ahmed Sadek ordered the opening of an urgent investigation into the report submitted by the National Council of Childhood and Maternity on cases of abuse and misuse. in danger of their child, by posting videos on social networking sites.

Related topics:

The complete story of Ahmad and Zainab, a statement of the Attorney General, an urgent action on the part of the National Childhood, a live commentary from Adib and a severe punishment for them.

The first comment of Youtubeir, Ahmed Hassan, on his charge of exploiting his child: "My monthly income is half a million pounds"

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