We have the greatest need to know the meaning of mass medicine. It is a specialty taught in the universities at the master's and doctoral level, which among us is specialized in mass medicine and holds a master's or PhD and how many of these citizens hold a certificate of this specialty.
Gathering Medicine Mass is a branch of medicine that explores the effects, health risks of crowds and crowds and develops strategies that positively contribute to the effectiveness of health services at these events. The development of this discipline from the branches of medicine is due to the fact that human populations cause a significant increase in the incidence of infectious diseases, which can lead to horrific accidents or seizures resulting in very many victims or death, God forbid. Some at UBC consider mass medicine as a safe haven for preventive health care. Weather conditions, the duration of the event, crowd movement, crowd density, etc., as well as the rapid spread of infectious diseases are among the factors that influence the rate of participation in care during mass gatherings. Prompt access to patients and injured, stability and efficient transportation of patients and injured, as well as local care for infectious diseases are the essential objectives of providing mass medicine services at the same time. WHO's Global Alert and Response Department supports Member States hosting large numbers of people. The support of mass medicine requires prior planning.
The Lancet Medical Journal organized a scientific conference on mass medicine in October 2010 in Saudi Arabia. What was the result of this conference and how many of our children specialized in mass medicine and obtained a master's or PhD? Where are they today in the performance of their duties during the season of this pilgrimage and what is happening about the spread of infectious diseases. We have neither heard nor read these specialists in mass medicine, neither statements nor reports. More than two million people meet in Mina, which covers an area of just 8.7 square kilometers. You can imagine my brother reader how God blessed this huge crowd of human beings in this small space of poetry to complete his work without serious illnesses, which inspired God with good order and good management.
We are the first among us to have a large number of citizens specializing in mass medicine and our public and private universities must provide this specialization at the doctoral level and the departments of Hajj and Health should support and sponsor scholarships for this specialization that we need more than others to learn and specialize in this area. Science.
Many experts and health practitioners view health care in the field and amid a crowd as a safe haven for pre-infectious care. Crowd medicine does not mean providing hospitals and beds, but preventing the need.
* Quote the city
** All published articles represent the opinion of their authors only.
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