The phone screen + Galaxy Note 10 gets the score + from the DisplayMate team


Galaxy Note 10

The Galaxy S10 has beaten many screen-related numbers in the DisplayMate tests, but the new Galaxy Note 10 series has broken 12 screen-related records with many improvements in performance and quality.

The Galaxy Note 10 + has a new record in terms of color accuracy, contrast and density. Automatic color management ensures that you use the right color scheme when viewing content, so you do not have to worry about which screen modes to use. If you want to manually select the mode, DCI-P3 Natural allows you to get absolute JNCD colors of 0.4. The Galaxy Note 10 + is one of the first smartphone screens to cover the 100% DCI-P3 color gamut with Deep Red OLED. The natural SRGB mode also checks the absolute color accuracy of JNCD 0.4, commonly used for photos and videos from cameras, TVs and other content.

The Galaxy Note 10 + screen is brighter than ever. When Hight Brightness mode is enabled, the screen brightness reaches 778 lumens with a completely blank screen, which is 10% larger than the Galaxy Note 9 screen. The maximum brightness is 1,308 lumens, which is a new record.

The viewing angles are not quite perfect. The offset value of the whites at an angle of 30 degrees is 2.8 JNCD, which is a number small enough that you probably do not notice it, but you have to keep in mind that the Galaxy S10 has recorded a score of 0.7 JNCD on this scale. Both monitors lose a little less than 25% of their brightness when viewed at an angle of 30 °. In general, you will find more details on the Galaxy Note 10 + screen as well as the new recordings you found on the official DisplayMate website from this link here.

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