Google will soon be able to search for text that appears in images


Google said it was about to introduce new artificial intelligence features into the Google Lenses platform, allowing users to search the Google Images library for text that appears in the Google Lenses platform. Inside images and screenshots.

After searching for text, users can easily copy it and paste it into a note, document, or form using Google Lenses.

The company said that the feature will be launched this month, with access to some users of Android devices and users of the Web version, without indication of access to the operating system "iOS".

Text search in Google Images is ideal for documents, wireless network passwords and anything the user records while taking a picture.

As soon as the desired image appears after the search, the company advises users to click on the "Google Lens" button to copy and paste text easily.

This feature can direct the smartphone camera to the router's password label and automatically connect to the wireless network, via a program that reads the password and understands that the user wants to connect to the network with which he does business.

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