Health: the school bag must match the weight of the student


Health: the school bag must match the weight of the student

Mecca – Riyadh

The Ministry of Health emphasized the importance of careful selection of the appropriate school bag for the student, as it recommended having several pockets to better distribute weight on the body parts and weigh down the back. students less than 10% of body weight. She insisted on the need to consult a doctor if the student complained of back pain on an ongoing basis, in order to reduce the risks, to warn to wear heavy schoolbags because it constitutes the backbone. one of the most important causes of back pain and malformations of the spine, highlighting the importance of reducing the burden on the student taking care to take the books. Required only for each day, clean and store the bag according to the curriculum, with the need to teach students the proper way to carry the bag.

It should be noted that these activities are a continuation of Health Awareness efforts to maintain the health and safety of all members of the community, promote healthy lifestyles and coincide with the campaign. health-led advocacy under the slogan of Health My School.

Appropriate selection of the school bag:

  • Padded shoulder strap
  • The bag must not have a shoulder strap
  • The weight of the school bag is less than 10% of the weight of the student
  • Contains several pockets for weight distribution
  • The trolley bags are not recommended because they do not match the size of the student and can cause back and shoulder pain.

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