WhatsApp gives the web version a new feature


WhatsApp plans to begin deploying some of the features announced earlier this year. Among the new features include adding folders such as photos and videos, a feature added to several WhatsApp compatible smartphones over the past year. The most popular instant messaging application in the world aims to add this feature to the WhatsApp web version of your computer, which can help many users to work and communicate easily.

We expect this feature to be part of another group. It will be added to the web version in the coming months. The most important thing is to separate this version of the smartphone so that WhatsApp can work without internet connection from the phone. These features are among the most important things to bet on the social networking application Facebook, which seeks to introduce many new features over the next few months.

This article "WhatsApp gives the web version a new feature" is adapted by BaladNews and we quote Mumzam.

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