Apple unveils the new iPhone 11 in five colors in California


Apple sent official invitations to its big annual conference in September to unveil its latest product, the most notable of which is the launch of the new iPhone.

The conference will be held on September 10 at the technology giant's headquarters in Cupertino, California, where Apple will unveil a full line of new products.

Journalists from around the world were invited on Aug. 29 and invited to attend the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple Park Headquarters, where the event will begin at 1:00 pm local time at 5:00 pm GMT.

At its annual conference in September, Apple often introduces the latest iPhones. According to some information, the company is expected to unveil the iPhone 11 or the iPhone Pro according to rumors.

Rumors also suggest that Apple will unveil three new iPhone models that will be device updates unveiled last year, the iPhone X, XS Max and XR.

Two of them will carry three cameras at the back, and the biggest phone will come with a larger screen measuring up to 6.1 inches versus 5.8 inches in the "XS Max".

There will be improvements in battery consumption, facial recognition and even its ability to charge the AirPods when using the new cover.

The conference is also expected to unveil the new Apple Watch 5, as well as Apple's AirPods 3, and it is possible that the company presents a new MacBook Pro.

Many expect that there are many details on Apple TV +, the Apple Arcade platform and the Apple credit card.

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