Samsung starts recording in the Galaxy Fold in America


Samsung has opened the door to pre-registration on its collapsible Galaxy Fold smartphone in the United States.

The opening of the pre-registration means that the registrars will receive a notice of availability, and not as in the pre-order, that is to say that he buys the device before it goes on sale.

The US telecommunications company AT & T plans to launch the phone at $ 1980.

Samsung and Huawei sold a third of phones in the first quarter

Samsung announced the first collapsible smartphone on February 20, and its commercial launch was scheduled for April, but samples sent to reporters ran into screen issues, which allowed the company to realize that the phone was not going to run. Was not ready for launch.

This article "Samsung starts recording in the" Galaxy Fold "in America" ​​Adapted from the site (Vito Portal), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility of the company. News or authenticity is the source of the current news, Vito Portal.

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