The Citizens' Program addressed the modernization of public education programs in the Kingdom at the beginning of the first semester of the current academic year.
The program welcomed specialists who insisted on the need for periodic updates to at least monitor developments in science and their development.
The guests praised the program to link the program to the 2030 Vision of the Kingdom, to correct the attitude towards the Ottoman Empire and to answer the lies about the Kingdom's history broadcast by the hostile media.
Dr. Khalifa Al-Masoud, a professor of modern history at the University of Qassim, said: "The most important change included in the program is to correct what is being raised in the media against the Kingdom, like the false document attributed to King Abdulaziz and his position on the question of Palestine. "
"This document has been highlighted in the new curriculum, corrected and the truth is shown to students who need to know the facts and extract them from their sources," he said.
New programs include a response to a fake document belonging to King Abdulaziz and his stance on the Palestinian issue# Citizenship pic.twitter.com/hVms4iNpeq
– Citizen (@ cybercrime) September 3, 2019
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