After one year, the woman brought an action for divorce before the family court of Imbaba, demanding to differentiate between her husband and her, because she feared not to set the boundaries of God . , Receive friends at home, watch them late at night, take alcohol and drugs.".
She continued during the family dispute resolution sessions: "He started tightening the screws because of my objection to his action and rejected any request that was sent to me for no reason.The pleasures were insulting and insulting and aggressive. I was patient and tried to treat his sick personality".
She continued: "He turned to betray me every day with a different girl, with whom he had had intercourse in the past, as a punishment for disturbing his life – as he described it and when I I confronted his betrayal, he did not deny me and threatened me if I exposed him to hurt me.".
"He tried to change his character, forcing me to turn into a photo of his friends, so much so that he beat me because he refused to kiss his friends during their visit," did he declare.".
The wife confirmed that her wife had knocked on the family court door requesting a divorce despite her family's opposition and had provided the court with sound recordings and text messages proving her husband's betrayal, her incitement to immoral acts, as well as images of his pornographic conversations on social media.
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