LONDON (Reuters) – Luc Daley, scientist at the University of Glasgow, has unveiled new secrets about Mars or what scientists call the "red planet".
According to statements quoted by the British newspaper "Express", Daley stated that he could easily detect pockets of liquid water on the surface of Mars due to collision with small asteroids.
"It means you can have short or long liquid water tanks all over the planet throughout the history of Mars."
NASA is expected to visit Mars next year after scientists have found evidence of the presence of water on the planet, which means that there could be life on the planet .
Evidence suggests that ancient lakes could be on Mars and scientists want to determine what rocks are on the surface of the planet and if they result from lava flows.
"The space team was able to locate asteroids on the surface of the asteroid that later turned into meteorites," Locke said. .
"If the origin of these asteroids is found, it will be the key to discover the secrets of Mars."
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