NASA has released a superb infrared image of the Messier 81 spiral galaxy, captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope.
This galaxy was discovered on December 31, 1774 by the German astronomer Johann Bude, also known as M81, LEDA 28630 or NGC 3031. It is located at a distance of 11.6 million years. Earth's light and has a visible brightness of 6.9 degrees.
With a diameter of 90,000 light years, Messier 81 is about half the size of the Milky Way, the largest galaxy in the M81 group, a group of 34 galaxies located in the northern star Ursa Major.
The arms of the spiral galaxy, which extends to the nucleus, are composed of young bluish and warm stars formed during the last millions of years.
The galactic central bulb contains older and redder stars, much larger than the Milky Way, and a massive black hole of 70 million solar masses in the center of Messier 81, fifteen times the mass of the black hole in our galaxy. the Milky Way.
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