The hidden features of Windows make life easier


The hidden features of Windows make life easier

Windows is imposed as one of the most important operating systems in the world. Windows hides many features that we may not notice, which will improve and make working on the computer easier. Below, we present some of these hidden features.

Why did the developer call this strange name? Answer briefly because this mode allows you to control everything in one click. This is a feature that has been around for a long time in Windows systems, especially since Windows Vista.
There are several possibilities to activate this mode. The simplest is to click on the Windows icon, then type the letter "L" in Latin., Then press "Control Panel" which appears in blue. You can then see everything Windows contains and control its settings, as indicated by the German site Focus.

Improved screen settings
This is particularly useful for those who want to get perfect photos and videos, as well as for graphic designers. At the same time, simply press the Windows keys and the letter "R". Then enter the code "dccw" in the small window that opens. Now you can control the colors.

Automatic driver control
Does the computer take a long time to start? Or do you need software that runs automatically with the computer?
Just use this command: press the Windows keys and the letter "R" simultaneously. Then enter the code "msconfig" in the small window that opens.
Here is a list of programs that are automatically exploited each time. You can exclude some of them, which simplifies and speeds up the startup of the computer. But be careful not to cancel some important programs such as antivirus software.

Call the list of symbols
All the strange and wonderful symbols that you can think of that you can add to your text. Here, you must simultaneously press the Windows keys and the letter "R". Then enter the "charmap" symbol in the small window that opens. You will now see a list of different types of icons under Windows. Click on the code you need, copy it and paste it into your text. The copy is briefly the navigation key and the letter "C". Paste using the control key and the letter "V".

Turn Your Computer into an Internet Reseller If you do not have a router and your guests are still asking you for a Wi-Fi code, you can let your computer do the work. Windows 10 makes it easy with the "Wireless Hosted Network" feature. To enable it, open the Settings application, then enter the networks and Internet, and then choose the Internet distribution code (mobile access point). You can change the name of your device as an Internet distributor and a secret code. Of course, the Windows world is filled with icons, shortcuts and hidden features that can not accommodate articles and articles.

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Source: Kuwait News

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