A huge asteroid approaches the Earth for the first time in 19 years


Sky News Arabia – Abu Dhabi Scientists are waiting for an astronomical event on Earth for the first time in 19 years.

According to the press, the asteroid, dubbed "2000 QW7", measures 650 meters wide and 310 meters long and travels at a speed of 23,000 km / h.

The scientists reassured everyone, pointing out that the asteroid would pass along the Earth, traveling a distance of 8 million kilometers.

The asteroid visited Earth for the last time in 2000 and is expected to miss it in 2038.

Astronomers said that the passage of this asteroid would be considered a "golden opportunity" to study it closely, to understand its components and to see its surface closely, while warning against asteroids likely to hit the Earth.

This article "Saturday … a huge asteroid approaching Earth for the first time in 19 years" Adapted from the site (sky news arabia), and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or its point of view, but the responsibility lies with the news or health. saudi.

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