Two doses a year. A new vaccine to treat millions of people with this disease! • journal of the observatory


Two doses a year. A new vaccine to treat millions of people with this disease!

A team of researchers said they discovered a revolutionary new treatment for high cholesterol, with only two doses.
A team of Medicines UK researchers has discovered a vaccine taken every six months that could replace the widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs, according to BusinessWeek.
The study included 1,600 people, indicating that people who received a dose of this blood had bad cholesterol in their blood, reduced by half without leaving any side effects. According to the researchers, the annual injection will provide an alternative to daily statin tablets and will help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.
"The vaccine is a remarkable change in the treatment of cholesterol," said study co-author Kozyk Rai at the conference of the European Society of Cardiology in Paris. According to Russia Today.
"We have a lot of enthusiasm and we are looking to make significant progress in the treatment of cardiovascular disease," said Marc Timney, CEO of Medicines.
The success of this new drug will be a gesture of hope, after its planned production in the next two years, which will protect high cholesterol from the symptoms of forgetting to take daily medications.

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