Creates forty resemblances. Pixel 4 replica of the iphone 11


It seems that the conflict between iPhone and Android, namely Google and Apple, has reached its limit after the leakage of images of the new Google icon, which looks like the iPhone 11.

The leakage images of the new phone showed the same dimensions as the triple camera found in the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 11 Pro.

The images revealed 3 colors for the new phone are white, orange and black, but Google did not reveal when the phone officially launched.

It is expected to reveal the date of the release of the phone after the disclosure of a device similar to the iPhone 11 today at 19 hours.

This article "creates from the forty resemblance." Pixel 4 replica of the iPhone 11 "Adapted from the site (country of echo), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility of the new or its authenticity lies on the source of the new original is the country's echo.

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