Health, weapons and wars. Records overshadowed first democratic debate


SOURCE: Washington – Mona Shikaki

The three most popular Democratic candidates for health care, gun violence and "endless wars" clashed in the first democratic debate that brought them together, after the race was reduced from 20 to 10 candidates and from two sessions, over two days, to one.

The debate shed light on questions about the future of the Democratic Party, whether in the center or on the left.

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders

Former Vice President Joe Biden has appeared more active than his past performances while he defends his health insurance program with two other Liberal candidates, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who support public health care. Biden's plan builds on existing health insurance but does not restructure it. Surveys suggest that health care is a priority for a democratic voter.

Former President Barack Obama has been mentioned more than once, positively, as a sign of his popularity among Democratic voters. He accused Biden, who frequently quotes his work in the previous administration, to use the Obama name when he is in favor and to take a more neutral stance when referring to policies. now unpopular, such as the expulsion by the Obama administration of a large number of illegal immigrants.

Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden

Holon Castro, who was the housing secretary of Obama, told Biden during the debate: "Whenever something positive is said about Barack Obama, you say you were there and that these are your policies.

On foreign policy, Warren said that she would pull US troops out of Afghanistan if she became president even without an agreement with the Taliban. Biden said the US presence in Afghanistan should be limited to the fight against terrorism. Sanders recalled his vote against the war in Iraq, an issue that remains important for voters.

Pete Puddagh, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and the only Democratic candidate for the US military in Afghanistan, said, "It's September 2019, so you can be an 18-year-old recruiter, and you're not. Are not even alive during the September 11 attacks. We must end wars without end. "

In a unique position in which the Democrats have agreed with President Trump, all Democrat candidates have refused to lift Trump's tariff on products imported from China, criticizing his style of bargaining, but blaming China for having stolen many intellectual properties in the United States.

The issue of gun violence has divided candidates between supporters and opponents of US withdrawal of semi-automatic weapons. Beto O 'Rourke, a Democratic candidate from the border town of El Paso, Texas, who was the target of mass shootings by a white anti-Hispanic racist, said: "We will of course take the AR- 15 and AK-47 because we can not allow it to be used again against the Americans. "

Until now, Biden enjoys the highest popularity among Democrats, with 26%. Voters are counting on his experience and the priority of many Democrats who support him, according to opinion polls, is to defeat Trump, regardless of their support for Biden's projects.

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