The publication of a shocking image of a famous artist after a terrible accident .. It is difficult to determine the features of his face


The art critic Jamal Fayyad has published a shocking image of a famous artist after a horrific accident that almost cost him his life.

Fayyad visited the artist Assi Helani at his home to check it and confirmed that the injury
It's not easy, but the artist has survived a grave danger, and this providence alone
I saved it from an almost catastrophic fall.

Fayyad explained in statements obtained from al-Hellani and published them on the website "lights
The city, "Asi was walking on Jawadin from his horse's ranch with his newborn son,
Suddenly the horse he rode stumbled and Asi fell in front of him
His knight, and here left Assi's cheek hit the ground after falling on his left hand and then
Throw the horse with all its weight on him by pressing on the neck and the ribcage.

He added that Asi was completely unconscious, so the newborn wore him and called the escort to come
Quickly and take him to the hospital, and there, he remained unconscious for two consecutive days,
He awoke from his amnesia in a coma, unaware of what had happened to him. When he started to regain
His consciousness and memory were in part his first words, completing the question of where was the newborn? Is
D & # 39; right? So where is Colette? He remained obsessed with these questions and his entourage was answering the question more than once. On the third day, he corrected a little, but he forgot exactly what had happened to him.

He added that the incident caused several fractures in Assi's left forearm and small fractures.
And the ring finger in the left hand. The doctor used the culture of two Sikhin steel
In them to install them under splint. There are also partial fractures of the ribs, resulting from
The horse fell. A trauma to the left cheek caused significant swelling of the cheek and eyes on the forehead. Bruising and painful swelling at the elbow of the left hand and left leg.

With regard to the neck, the upper part of the neck bone suffered small fractures
The culture is fixed.

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