The phone charging process for users will begin on September 20th, after which pre-order requests for the second wave of countries will be opened. Unlike last year, when the cheaper iPhone XR took more time and arrived late October, Apple launched all three phones simultaneously. .
Apple revealed that the first round of launch included 30 different countries, including the United States, and that prices were starting at $ 699 for the iPhone 11, at $ 999 for the iPhone 11 Pro and at 1099 USD for the iPhone 11 Pro Max. Buyers enjoy a one – year subscription to Apple TV + for free at purchase.
This article "Apple allows its users to pre-book new iPhones" adapted from the site (Lebanon 24), and does not reflect in any way the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility of the news or authenticity is based on the source of the news of origin is Lebanon 24.
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