Samia Shahin, wife of the late director Yassin Ismail Yassin, revealed the most important rumors about the media pioneers about Ismail Yassin, especially that he would have died poor.
Samia said during a phone call from the broadcast "Sabah al-Ward" broadcast by the satellite "TEN" that he was not dying poor, and that the last apartment inhabited by Ismail Yassin counted 7 bedrooms and a living room.
Samia noted that when Yassin took his money without his knowledge and was worth £ 300,000, he was paralyzed in two, but he went to Lebanon to collect "money" and then returned to Egypt, where he was harassed by artists, he sang monologues and could not beg.
She added, "People have claimed that they existed on the day of his death or that he took them money, all liars, because he died suddenly in Alexandria." , suffered depression after the death of a former companion of director Fatin Abdel Wahab, who died 10 days ago, and fell in front of the apartment door. "
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