According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, experts say that this event, despite its very slow onset, could lead to a giant spiral galaxy.
The pumpkin galaxy
“The Hubble Halloween show is a pair of colliding galaxies that resemble the imagination of the elusive figure of the Big Pumpkin,” NASA shared in a statement, adding, “The word big is as little as possible in this case because the pair of galaxies spans over 100,000 light years. “
The researchers explained that the frightening “smile” is actually the first step in rebuilding a spiral galaxy, and extends to all galaxies and is likely to have been formed by the pressure of interstellar gas. when the pair began to collide, and the orange color is caused by the old red stars.
NGC 2292 and NCG 2293 are in the constellation Canis Major, and their presence so far has made them difficult to spot among the large number of stars in the region.
The pair of galaxies were similar to objects reported by the Citizen Science Project Galaxy Zoo, where volunteers go to search for galaxies with them.
Astronomer William Keel, of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, estimates that the Big Pumpkin will transform into a giant spiral galaxy, hoping that the final fate of this pair will be to merge into a giant, luminous spiral galaxy such as UGC 2885, the Robin galaxy, whose diameter is more than twice the diameter of our Milky Way. .
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