The departure of the pioneer of the simplification of science in the Arab world


Egyptian writer and translator Raouf Wasfi is missing, and the “National Translation Center” mourns the deceased who is considered the pioneer of the simplification of science in the Arab world.

  • “The National for Translation” Yaa Raouf Wasfi: He left the Arab nation with a long history

The “National Translation Center” in Egypt mourned the writer and translator Raouf Wasfi (1939-2020), considered a pioneer in the simplification of science in the Arab world.

The late was considered one of the mainstays of writing and translating scientific books in the Arab world, and one of the most prominent writers who took it upon themselves to simplify science for the Arabic language reader. .

He has been the editor of the monthly series of books (Scientific Culture for Youth) published by the General Book Authority and has written and translated a large number of books, including: “The Universe and Black Holes”, “Robots: Robots”, “Planet Earth” and “Science Fiction: Tame the Future and Promise to Control it. »A journey through the physics of matter and the universe.

He has also published a large number of works for the National Translation Center, including: “The War of the Worlds”, “The Invisible Man” and “Human Beings Like Lords”.

Wasfi was crowned last October with the “Prize for Scientific Translation” in Egypt, for its translation of the book “Nanny Vision” on the occasion of “Translator’s Day” by the “National for Translation”.

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